Rule I
Sessions of the Conference
The regular session of the Conference shall be held at the seat of the Organization in the month of June, unless it is convened elsewhere or at a different time in pursuance of a decision of the Conference at a previous session, or, in exceptional circumstances, of a decision by the Council. For the purposes of the Constitution, of these Rules and of the Financial Regulations, the term "regular session" means the biennial session contemplated by paragraph 6 of Article III of the Constitution, and the terms "biennium" and "financial period" mean the two-year period starting on 1 January following the date on which the regular session of the Conference normally convenes in accordance with this paragraph. Any other session, whether convened in pursuance of a decision of the Conference or under paragraph 2 of this Rule, shall be a special session.
If the Council should so direct, or if at least one-third of the Member Nations should so request, the Director-General shall convene the Conference to meet in special session within six months of such direction or request at such time and place as the Council may designate.
Notices convening a regular session of the Conference shall be dispatched by the Director-General not less than 90 days, and notices convening a special session not less than 30 days, before the date fixed for the opening of the session, to Member Nations and Associate Members, and to the international organizations which may be represented at the Conference in pursuance of paragraph 5 of Article III of the Constitution, and of Rule XVII of these Rules. These international organizations are hereafter referred to in these Rules as "participating international organizations".
Rule XII
Quorum and Voting Arrangements at Meetings of Conference and Council
Subject to the Constitution and these Rules, the following shall govern the procedure in relation to voting and elections in the Conference and the Council:
Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution or these Rules, in the Conference a majority of the Member Nations and in the Council a majority of the Members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.
Before proceeding to a vote or election, the Chairperson shall announce the number of delegates or representatives present. If less than the number required for a quorum is present, the vote or election shall not be held.
Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or these Rules, the required majority for any decision or for any election to fill one elective place shall be more than one half of the votes cast.
Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, in the case of an election by the Conference to fill simultaneously more than one elective place, the required majority shall be the smallest number of whole votes necessary to elect no more candidates than there are seats to be filled. This majority shall be obtained by the following formula:
Required majority
number of votes cast
number of seats
(disregarding any resultant fraction).
Subject to the provisions of Article XX, paragraph 1 of the Constitution, when a two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required by the Constitution or these Rules for a decision to be taken by the Conference, the total number of affirmative and negative votes cast shall be more than one half of the Member Nations of the Organization. If these conditions are not fulfilled, the proposal shall be considered as rejected.
The following are the cases in which, for a decision to be taken by the Conference, a two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required, provided that the total number of affirmative and negative votes cast shall be more than one half of the Member Nations of the Organization:
Admission of additional or Associate Members.
Approval of conventions and agreements.
Approval of agreements between the Organization and Member Governments.
Decisions on the level of the budget.
Formulation of recommendations to Member Governments.
Inclusion of new items on the Conference agenda after it has been formally adopted by the Conference.
Amendment or suspension of the General Rules of the Organization.
In the case of amendments by the Conference to the Constitution, a two-thirds majority of the votes cast is also required, provided that such majority is more than one half of the Member Nations of the Organization.
In the case of approval of agreements and supplementary conventions and agreements by the Council and the addition of items to the Council's agenda during a session, a two-thirds majority of the membership of the Council is required (i.e., at least 33 Council Members in favour).
The appointment of
the Chairperson of the Council and of the
the admission of additional Member Nations and Associate Members shall be decided by secret ballot. Other elections shall likewise be decided by secret ballot, except that in the case of an election in which there are not more candidates than vacancies the Chairperson may submit to the Conference or Council that the appointment be decided by clear general consent.
Any other matter shall be decided by secret ballot if the Conference or Council so determines.